Holiday Closings

Holiday Closings

Holiday Closings. Holiday Closings Thursday and Friday, November 28-29: ReStore closedTuesday and Wednesday, December 24-25: ReStore...
Roundhouse Oktoberfest

Roundhouse Oktoberfest

Roundhouse Oktoberfest. Roundhouse Oktoberfest Our Women Build group is serving food and selling cupcakes and pretzels at Roundhouse Brewery on September 20 & 21. There are 2 shifts: 11:30 AM-4:00 PM 4:00 PM-8:30 PM This is open to anyone who wants to help, not...
Unleash Your Creativity!

Unleash Your Creativity!

Unleash Your Creativity! This September, unleash your creativity and make a difference in your community!  We invite you to visit the Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity ReStore and choose one item for free to upcycle and transform. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY...
Donation Drive

Donation Drive

Donation Drive. This September, we are hosting a ReStore Donation Drive and we need your help! We are looking for gently used home furnishings, appliances, and construction materials that you may no longer need. These items will be sold at our Habitat for Humanity...
Dancing with the Lakes Area Stars

Dancing with the Lakes Area Stars

Dancing with the Lakes Area Stars. Join Us for Dancing with the Lakes Area Stars and Let’s Build a House! Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity is currently in the planning states for our annual fundraising event to build a home with a future homebuyer. Dedicated...